Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Intro: Why, hello there!

My father was in the military when I was young so I spent many years overseas, eventually returning to my parent’s hometown of Leesburg, Virginia to finish high school. My husband and I moved to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia about fifteen years ago and fell in love with the area. Over the years I’ve kept myself busy practicing photography, writing, raising chickens and taking classes at Shepherd. We have two cheeky twin girls who are often followed closely by their partner in crime, our chocolate Labrador, Rocky Rooster. Some of my favorite things are coffee, sleeping in on Saturday morning, reading, editing photos, working in my garden, journaling and yoga.

I’m eager to take this class to not only enhance my writing skills, but also to learn more about how to create interest within the text of my writing. I’m also interested to learn more about how to interpret and understand other forms “public” writing and incorporate them into my understanding as alternate academic texts. I’m one of those people that like to hear feedback on my work so I’m looking forward to learning more from all of you and reading your work, as well.

This may or may not be true
I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine and with all of the obstacles in life I find it so important to enjoy the funny moments that exist all around us. In fact, one of my daughters has a medical condition that requires round-the-clock care which can be emotionally draining at times, so I find that surrounding myself with people who don't take life too seriously promotes a necessary healing for my soul. Some things that make me laugh are my husband's dry humor, my favorite sitcoms, the way my Isla does "the floss" like she's trying to dislocate a hip and the way my other daughter, Anya, laughs out loud at her own jokes, her newest one being:

          What did the snowman say when he was melting? I’m having a meltdown! 

Anya (front) and Isla

I find myself reliving my childhood as I watch my children grow, they really do remind us to keep laughing, even at the little things; especially at the little things. Besides my friends and family, a good meme is always fun, Ellen DeGeneres is still one of my favorite people and any movie with Melissa McCarthy will have me as an audience. Thanks for letting me share a little about myself!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me laugh and smile. Great introduction to you!
