Thursday, May 16, 2019

Getting to know you...

For your first blog post, write an entry in which you do/answer the following:

1) Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.

2) Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it, specifically in terms of your writing? (Even if you are just taking it because you need the credits, you should still push yourself to write about some thoughtful goals.)

3) What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny women and why?

I encourage you to use an image or two, embed some links, and just do what you can to make your post interesting and engaging. You don’t need to write too much, but do make sure (like all writing for this class) you are thoughtful and careful, thinking about organization, clarity, focus, and proofreading.

I'll go first...

1) Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about who you are.
I grew up on Long Island, went to college in Salem, VA, and graduate school in Greensboro, NC. I moved to WV and started teaching at Shepherd in 2007. I live in Shepherdstown with my three cats (they are a lot, but cute and fun). I like literature, TV, games, baseball, and teaching. And this thing that happened in April has been a pretty fun ride.

2) Why are you taking this class? What do you hope to learn or gain from it, specifically in terms of your writing?
Well, I'm not taking this class, but as its teacher, I have lots of goals. It is my first fully-online class, so obviously, I am hoping that that aspect works and that students find it challenging but rewarding--and not too confusing. Teaching is a kind of writing, so I am hoping that my own writing skills grow in this new environment. I am also hoping to read some great writing (from you all!) and have terrific conversations about some of my favorite topics: writing, rhetoric, and funny women.

3) What makes you laugh? Who are some of your favorite funny women and why? 
I laugh a lot. In fact, people who know me say they often hear me coming before they see me, saying "I heard your laugh and I knew it was you." I laugh at all kinds of things: witty remarks, absurd situations, the way my cat looks at me, the strange things my friends say, stupid Buzzfeed lists...

Some of my favorite funny women include my dear friends (esp. a small group of women from college, my six-year old niece, a totally weird and hilarious kid (she recently identified herself as a "global citizen"), and so many of my students. In terms of famous funny women, well, that's a long list, too, but maybe I've said enough for about some pictures of me with some of those funny women I mentioned?

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