Sunday, May 19, 2019


1.    Hi everyone! I’m Fiona and I am an English Major with a Concentration in Creative Writing and a Minor in Psychology. I am from the area and graduated high school in 2016 but started at Shepherd after taking a few years off. I love literature, especially poetry, and music, which I feel has a huge crossover with poetry. Ask me who my favorite poet is and my answer might or might not be someone from the literary canon! It might be someone like this or like this, depending on the day. In my free time I like to go for runs on WV backroads, make margaritas in my tiny hamilton beach blender and try my hand at new recipes. I have a new sparkly pink notebook for summer school which I am SUPER excited to use. The quality that I value most in people is kindness, and it is one of my ongoing life goals to be kind every day, as much as I can. 

2.    I am taking this class partly because of my nontraditional college start. I have been at Shepherd for three semesters, but I am hoping to graduate in the spring with what should have been my class. It may or may not happen, but I like to push myself. This class would help me reach that goal. In addition, I love to write, and would like the chance to improve my craft a little. My first love is creative writing, but as I found out through taking some fiction classes at Shepherd, nonfiction as well as poetry is actually one genre that I am very interested in writing, and I think this class could help me become a better nonfiction writer. 

3.    I love to laugh, and so I have surrounded myself with people and things that cause me to. So, this could be a really long list! My mom makes me a laugh, a ton. Growing up, my mom had a ton of catch phrases, that I thought were akin to idioms. I would use them with other people, and they would be so confused, because they weren't idioms; my Mom had made them all up! I love memes and could honestly communicate in memes alone, as long as they were good ones like this (if you get this reference, we are soulmates). Some of my other favorite funny women are my best friend and my boyfriend’s little sister. Children are so funny, because they say the most truthful things and it will totally shock you. Also extra points if you can guess which of my favorite funny movies and funny women this line comes from: “Hi, I’m Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods. We’re both Gemini vegetarians.” 

This is my adorable Mom, who always steals my shirts. 
This is me and my boyfriend's little sister Adri. Babysitting her is the coolest. 
Also, just for you, Dr. H.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the cat picture and for the great first post. I love the little details like the hand blender and the new notebook!
