Friday, May 24, 2019

Maybe I’m stupid or maybe I’ve too much time on my hands but I think all the infighting and the outfighting in politics is due to either side finding a new disrespect for the other. New in the sense both sides are more vocal than ever in trying to box the other in a prison of assumed and enforced opinion of lunacy. Both sides are willing to call the other useless. But the fact of the matter is both sides need each other to have the image they have of themselves. The image of each spectrum is dependent and defined by the opposite side of the spectrum. The left’s reaction to the right is due to the rights movement away from center to more white supremacist and Nazism. The lefts complete and utter acceptance of the LGBTQ movement has the right scared at the fast rate of change. Figure heads seem to bring out the fringe in every group. When one group realizes its side is disproportionately represented by the power in place they usually use it as a means to give the farther side of their spectrum more leeway.

I don’t believe either side is more right than the other. That kind of thinking makes for bias and bias is the best way not to see things clearly. Debate isn’t always the best idea. Sometimes you should shut your mouth and listen to the other side in an attempt at genuine understanding. The best way to learn about your enemy is to advocate for them. Devil’s advocate is a terrible term because it demonizes the side you disagree with. Even if i say i agree with one more than the other I’m only doing so to get you on my side. And i refuse to do that. The whole point I’m trying to make is that neither side is perfect. I will say this though. One side elevates love above freedom which is nice and righteous(opinion). But at all encompassing core I believe both sides are misguided by a detached hate and disrespect they show for their opposite spectrum. To quote Captain and Tenille, “Love will keep us together.”

Tying this into our weeks reading I reference abortion. What’s currently in the news is women’s rights over their bodies. I’m not going to touch on that debate outside of someone else’s words. In that way i hope to remain unbiased.

The first is pro-life and the second is pro-choice.
Both contain wisdom. Wouldn’t it be interesting if all news was given to us like this? Unbiased and willing to divide for sake of what is fair to our opinion. At the moment each camp has its own channel but all that does is allow people to fester in their conditioned short sidedness.

Female empowerment in humor has been fun to read about this week. I’m looking forward to more in the weeks ahead. I wanted to harp on something for a bit that struck me harder than the rest of this weeks work. That of Tina Fey’s rules of improvisation. What i loved most about these rules is that the
 list begins as a simple guide to stage improvisation but quickly turns into something more. From guide to an esoteric art to a guide to life was not how i started reading Tina Fey’s comedy book. Controlling your environment by agreeing while adding. This was my favorite piece as of yet. Which brings me to another point. I spoke about Fair is Foul and Foul is fair from Gray’s “Women and Laughter.” Would it be out of turn if made an abortion joke now? I think i would since there are some things you’re not supposed to joke about at certain times. But more importantly are abortion jokes ever appropriate?

I see abortion as an attack on rights as much as a political maneuver. Forcing people to do anything they don’t want to do is wrong. But in a majoritarian democracy whoever gets their ducks in a row wins the power to dictate what is right and what is not right. In Europe the parties have much less power but that also makes their parties that much unstable and likely to collapse whereas in America  the parties of the party system won’t crumble until Mount Rushmore is a valley. The party system in America decides all great political outcomes. Looking at YouTube under pro-choice videos, it was difficult to find one video that spoke to just the pro-choice argument. If YouTube is any clue as to what the future holds I’d say its a pro-life nation awaiting us. There is much more pro-life content on YouTube.


  1. Hey there. I could not agree more with your first paragraph. Assuming that people disagree with you simply because they are nuts is childish and lazy ( And I know about childish and lazy.) I believe that is what made Obama president. He was the first candidate, in my lifetime, to openly agree with his opponent, in public debate. He pointed out where they differed, but also where they had common ground. Identity politics does not work, that is not to say that marginalized groups do not deserve protection under the law, but the validity of any argument should be based on evidence and logic, not who said it.

  2. I appreciate the idea that we should examine and be aware of our biases, but aren't certain biases good? Like, I have a great big bias against racism. I am very cool with that--and wish more people did. Also, I am uncomfortable with equating LGBTQ rights on the left with white supremacy/Nazism on the right. (I am sure you didn’t mean that, but that’s what your sentence construction implies.)
