Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Mickayla's Introduction

  1. Hello all! My name is Mickayla Keith. I am a 21-year-old senior and I am an English Education major. I was originally a nursing major but I just didn't feel like that was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life so I changed last semester. After college, I would like to start by teaching high school and coaching softball. I would like to eventually go back and get my masters and Ph.D. to eventually become a professor or principal. In my free time, I bowl in 2 leagues, watch youtube, listen to music, and read. I have a cat that I love deeply as well.
    A little fun fact about me is that I love concerts and in 2018 alone I went to 6 concerts!
    This is from my 5 Seconds of Summer concert! I was in the 3rd row and this was my 6th time seeing them. I ended up catching the drummers drumstick which was amazing since he is my favorite!
     This was at Warped Tour and I was front row for Mayday Parade! Right before this I met them and had the main singer write out one of my tattoos.
This was at the Panic! at The Disco concert! After the show, Brendon waved at me and said Hi in a video I took!

     2. I am taking this class for my major, but also because I am really big into comedy. I figured this class would be good for me because I can not only satisfy a credit I need but also learn and read about some of my favorite people. I really hope to broaden my writing style, and just help myself become more diverse in what I write about. I just really hope to change it up and really deepen myself and my writing styles.

     3. I laugh about a lot of different things. I am a fan of what some would call dad jokes, crude humor, and the same jokes retold in different ways. I would say I have a weird sense of humor and I tend to laugh over the same things for days on end (or in some cases years on end). I am a big fan of Key and Peele on Comedy Central and Hulu, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Office. I also really love Kevin Hart, Adam Sandler, Jeff Gaffigan, and a lot of others as well. I am really big on Youtubers that have the same humor as me, so people like LazarBeam, Jackspectieye, Alonzo Lerone, Graveyardgirl, Shane Dawson and a few others. However, the most notable that really describes my sense of humor is JonTron. In one of his greatest videos "Flex Taping my Life Back Together," he uses basically everything I look for in humor, the same jokes over and over, easy punch lines that I can quote to all my friends, and crude humor. Here is the link if you would care to watch (I will warn you its a bit rated R at some parts)  https://youtu.be/8ci2hj7CSHI

Now that I am done going on and on about my favorite male comedians let me finally answer the question about my favorite female comedians. A few are Mindy Kaling, Ellen Degeneres, Rebel Wison, Tina Fey, Chelsea Peretti (from Brooklyn Nine-Nine, my favorite TV show), Melissa McCarthy, and like so many others to be honest with you. I really love women in comedy because I tend to find myself as a bit of a funny person, or so I try to be. I like making others laugh and I enjoy laughing myself. Ever since I was little I would try to make my aunt laugh, or my cousin, or my friends. Women who are comedians show that we can be funny and we are funny. The men always get lots of recognition for a lot of things so I always enjoy seeing the women getting recognized for being themselves.  


  1. Oh man: that Flextape clip made me laugh! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Hi Mickayla, it is nice to meet you! I found your blog very interactive and loved the addition of the concert photos. I also love music and find it to be a huge part of my life. I think that music and literature have a ton of crossover, and I always love to find people who talk about music with the depth of analysis and enthusiasm as others talk about literature. Personally, I find many connections between poetry and music, and I'm sure you can see connections like that in the music of bands like 5 Seconds of Summer (they are awesome)!

    I really enjoyed watching the Flex Tape video and I also am a huge fan of The Office. I think a big part of my sense of humor is finding funny things in the every day occurrences in our lives. I think it is this sometimes dry, sarcastic humor which can be such a relief at the end of the day. To me, that is the sign of a truly gifted comic storyteller - that they can make an every day happening seem outrageous just with the way they tell it.
