Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Unit Seven Blog Post: Final Reflection
For my final blog post for this class, I want to discuss all aspects of this class that I liked and that I was grateful for.
The Subject of the ENGL 372 Class Itself, “Funny Girls: Writing about Women and Humor”
I really liked that this class was about women in humor because it is a topic that isn’t being analyzed in academia enough. It’s a good thing that skilled writers like Frances Gray and Regina Barreca are researching and writing about women’s humor in an in-depth way. This class has demonstrated that many talented women have spoken about their personal experiences, perspectives, and stories through the lens of humor. It also refutes the whole negative “women aren’t funny” stereotype.
Another reason I liked this class was because it introduced me to female comedians and writers that I previously wasn’t familiar with, like Fanny Fern, Phoebe Robinson, Ali Wong, and Hannah Gadsby. Watching the Netflix shows and listening to the podcasts was a lot of fun.
The biography of Isabella Andreini is fascinating. If Frances Gray hadn’t written about her, I doubt I would have heard about her, despite the fact that she was a highly influential figure in theatrical history. If you want to know more about Isabella Andreini here are some links about her: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isabella_Andreini
The Responses and Communications between My ENGL 372 Classmates
I’m grateful that my classmates wrote thoughtful, lengthy, comprehensive, and honest responses through the various platforms of communication (forum, blogs, peer reviews.) I had an online class where some of my classmates merely wrote one sentence in the forums. One classmate just wrote “I agree.” It was like communicating with a log. Now granted, you can communicate with logs because they have keen observational powers about the inner secrets of small towns. Sadly, I’m lacking in log communicational prowess. You win some, you lose some.

I want to thank all my classmates for being supportive of my writing and just letting me be myself. It felt like I belonged to a swell team.
Dr. Hanrahan’s Efficacy
Awhile back, I submitted my fourth response paper at 10:53 A.M. Dr. Hanrahan graded it at 12:20 P.M. on the same day. Seriously, I have waited in line at Starbucks for longer periods of time. Dr. Hanrahan’s quick and helpful feedback and the solid syllabus made this class easy for me to follow and learn from.
The Class Being Online
Sometimes being a working student can feel like juggling kittens. Since I was juggling work, other classes, and some health issues, having this class online made my life a little bit easier. I could balance my time a little better. As students, I think we can all agree that having more technological conveniences makes semesters a whole lot better as well.
Birds That Make Weird Noises
I know you are thinking, “wait a minute, birds that make weird noises have nothing to do with this class.” This is probably true for you, but for me, sometimes when I listen to birds that make weird noises, I think, “Alas, a creature that rambles on more incessantly than I do.” They convince me that I don’t drone on as much, in person or in my writing, which in turn, convinces me to be more expressive in both endeavors. My personal favorite is the lyre bird. Here is a link to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSB71jNq-yQ
Overall, thanks everybody! Enjoy the rest of your summer!


  1. I have to say, I laughed out loud at your line about talking to a log! I too have had similar experiences with classmates in online classes that have given less than adequate responses/feedback (I am actually in one right now), and so I have felt the same appreciation for this class. I must ask, where did the gif of the man stroking the log come from? I am intrigued. I also agree that the "theme" and content of this class made it so enjoyable and interesting for me. Although in the last few years I think there has been a renewed effort in academia to focus on women's writing, classes like this one are still so necessary. It is so refreshing, fun, and thought-provoking to take a whole semester to consider the thoughts of women as the main focus - and not as an afterthought or footnote.

  2. Hi Alexandra! I laughed when you talked about the log and juggling kittens! I also really enjoyed the fact that this class was about funny women. I've learned so much, including authors and comedians that I probably wouldn't have known about without this class. I completely understand that juggling work, classes, and other responsibilities/situations is hard and online classes can be so convenient. I honestly feel that I've learned and communicated just as much as I would have in an actual classroom. Have a great rest of the summer!

  3. I really appreciate this class too. I have never had a class that focused on women or humor and this class was the perfect mix of both! It had me making connections I never thought of before. I also agree that this online class was helpful in that I did not have to change my work schedule for class.

  4. There were a lot of funny moments in your blog post. And I agree, the women we got to learn about this semester are fascinating. It always intrigues me when I start a new English course how there are so many niche discussions going on in the field of writing. I never knew there was so much discourse out there about the uses of comedy! And yes, Dr. Hanrahan is an incredible professor—her feedback is so prompt and thorough, and she always give classes so much of her attention. It's no wonder she was named professor of the year!
    Since you posted a bird video, I have to share one back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPoyZcEj0y4
    I can't get over how peacocks sound. Their call is definitely one of the sillier ones.

  5. This no “I agree” class. Having said that I agree that this class made us review and analyze source material we might not have found on our own. Like Tracey I think your best line was the one about “logs.” Well crafted and very funny. Another thing I agree with is how great Dr. Hanrahan has been all summer. I emailed her probably twenty times and received a prompt response back, that usually made the pain anxiety and terror go away or at least slink back under my bed. Your cat juggling meme has my sides hurting. It’s so nice that somebody out there is still propping up the classics. “The Jerk” is objectively one of the best comedies of all time.
