Friday, June 7, 2019

Unit Five: Cool Moms of TV!

For Reflection 5, I revised my paper about the SNL Palin Rap by Amy Poehler. My original paper was mess. It had no clear thesis and did not flow from one point to the other. However, I stopped to take a break and watched the rap skit again. Even though she was still pregnant, I thought to myself "Wow, she was already a cool mom!". Then after watching some of the Netflix comedies this week, I realized a lot of them are also mothers. Such as Tig Notaro, Amy Wong, and Wanda Sykes! That got me brainstorming about what exactly I wanted to write for the Unit 5 Blog. Then it just clicked. I wanted to write about cool moms on tv! 

We already knew Amy Poehler was a cool mom even back in Mean Girls (2004)! I absolutely loved her and this movie. I loved her Barbie-like fashion and young spirit! Hilarious movie. Even though she did not have a prominent role, it's definitely one we cannot forget! 

Another cool mom or "groovy" as they used to say, is Kitty Foreman! I hope some of you are That 70's Show fansI didn't start watching this show until my freshman year of college and I love it. Honestly, Kitty and Red are probably my favorite characters. They're both comical in their own way. Kitty has such a bubbly personability and is so comical. She's one rockin' mom and we simply cannot ignore her unforgettable laugh! Seriously, can you not hear this gif?

Meredith Grey: Single mom, 3 kids, been through hell back, and a full-time doctor with serious dance moves. Whew, can we say Super Cool Mom! I think Meredith's so funny! She has a no nonsense attitude that is very comical to me. 

These sure are some cool mama's! I know I've left out a lot! Let me know some television moms that you love. Is it their sense of humor? Laugh? Or just their overall personality?  

I started this off with Amy, so I shall end with Amy. Plus this is such an iconic scene!


  1. I love your post! When I was in middle school, my best friend and I used to come home from school and watch reruns of That 70s Show. It was the best! Kitty Foreman was always pouring alcohol in the blender or reading a swashbuckler so definitely mom goals. Amy Poehler in Mean Girls is also iconic. One of my favorite moms on television would have to be Lily Bass from Gossip Girl (yes, I know I talk about it all the time). She had an amazing fashion sense, and this great look she would give people when she was annoyed. She bagged at least five millionaires over the course of the show, but remained in love with a down and out, washed up rockstar who she had fallen in love with in her youth. Oh, and she had a great shoe collection. I think it is kind of a cliche, but I love when tv shows show that life doesn't end when you're over thirty or have kids. Rock on, cool moms of tv!

    1. Yay! I'm glad you're a That 70's Show fan! I agree with you, I like when tv show's show that moms actually have a life. That their life isn't over once they have a family.

  2. Great post, Olivia! I really enjoyed it. Kitty Foreman is so much fun and you're right, she and Red were amazing on that show together. It's so great when two actors have such great chemistry like they did. So, I'll only name a few and I'm showing my age a little bit here but some of my favorite moms on TV were Caroline Ingalls (because I was a Little House on the Prairie nerd), I LOVED Clair Huxtable as a kid and more recent moms might include Claire Dunphy (because she's slightly erratic like myself) and Debra Barone. I know, I'm such a mom;) Thanks for the great post, such a fun read!

    1. It is awesome when characters have great chemistry! Cool list of moms! I used to watch Little House on the Prairie when I was kid. I don't know how I forgot Caroline.

  3. Great topic and great funny moms, y'all! I would add Tammy Taylor from _Friday Night Lights_. She is ultimate "mom goals," I think.

    1. I really liked that show! Though it's been a long time since I've watched it.

  4. Hi Olivia! A television mom worth mentioning is Marge Simpson. Marge is the voice of reason and somehow, she maintains her composure and towering blue hair amidst all the craziness that happens on The Simpsons. I don’t know how the family would have survived without her (granted they are cartoons, but still!) For this alone, I think Marge deserves a shout out.

    1. Good point! I didn't even think of cartoon moms! Marge plus her blue hair equals iconic. Honestly, now that I think about it, there are a lot of cartoon moms that are just awesome! I loved all the moms from Rugrats. They all had such different personalities that each brought something unique to the show.

  5. Oh my, this post has been such a fun read Olivia! Thank you! I love Dr. H's comment about Tammy Taylor and completely agree. I am a hugeeee Gilmore Girls fan and I have always loved Lorelei Gilmore fan. I think for me, her personality and sense of humor on the show is what makes her mom goals. She does everything she can for Rory. Honestly, I love this show. I grew up and my mom was a single mom for most of that time. She became my best friend, so I really connect with this show and love the mom figures in it. I think it is so interesting you brought this up because I think it is such a neat perspective about women in humor as well as society. Sometimes these women are overlooked, but I am so glad we can talk about them and make a stronger effort to recognize them for their humor, great characters, and iconic scenes!

  6. It's always awesome when you can connect with a show on a personal level. You know, I've never watched Gilmore Girls. I think I'm going to check it out! You're right. I think moms of comedy can definitely be overlooked sometimes. I'm also happy we can praise them for all the laughs and sometimes lessons they give us!
