Wednesday, June 19, 2019

"Final Reflection" Blog Post

This class has really so cool for me. It has opened a new definition of text. We have learned how to locate these texts, how to analyze them, and how to use them in our own work. It has been a neat experience for me. 

One aspect I would like to focus on that I think is worth saying, is the fact that this class helped me to gain a deeper appreciation for the new texts we analyzed. I never thought of relating them to literature and other traditional texts, but it has been fascinating to do!

As I said before in an earlier post, I think it has been neat to take a personal interesting in what we studying and pursue it just a little further. It has taught me that this can be helpful in understanding things on a deeper level. 

This topic is challenging to elaborate on, I just have really appreciated working with different texts and learning different questions to ask when analyzing them. 

What has been the most rewarding thing you've taken away from this course? 

For me, it has been the desire to learn more about topics and texts we focus on. It was such a neat class and focus we took, and I am very grateful that everything went so well. 

Thanks for a great class everyone!


  1. I'll go first! For me, the most rewarding thing has been learning that an online writing class can succeed. Of course, I was spoiled with such great students who responded to the material so well.

  2. Hi Emily! Thank you for writing such a lovely blog post. The “fur sure” gif is very funny. I would love to have a bear costume like that one. It looks so nice and comfy. I looked up where the clip comes from (a television show called Workaholics.) The situation regarding the bear suit in the show was even more comically ludicrous than I could have imagined, particularly with the line “Those scientists better check their hypotenuses, dude.”
