Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Unit 7: Final Relection!

This class was such a great experience and I'm glad I had the opportunity to take it. I loved that the focus was on funny women! I thought this was a very interesting topic that I appreciated a professor wanted to teach. I enjoyed learning about the diverse comedians and the political issues they spotlighted. And this was the first online course I actually wanted to share what I was learning with people. I would make my family watch a video or would read something out loud to see what they thought. So I've come to like a lot of the comedians we covered and all the laughs they brought. I plan on reading/watching more of them!

I went back to my first blog and look at what I wrote about my writing. Going into this course I was not confident in it at all. I was actually a bit unsure how I would do. I was able to learn a lot from the readings and you all! I think my creativity grew also with being able to blog. I think blogging is a lot of fun. Between the forums and papers, it allowed us to have a break from the academic writing. It was fun to be able to blog about something we found interesting from the readings or that connected to it. I also enjoyed playing around with images and gifs! All in all,  I think I have improved a good bit in such a short period of time and I'm slowly gaining confidence in my writing. I think that's something to be proud of!

Something else I really enjoyed about this class was the consistent interaction. Sometimes with online classes, it can feel a bit awkward to talk to your professor and classmates. But this class was the exact opposite. I felt very comfortable communicating and opening up about my writing struggles and opinions on certain matters. You guys are seriously hilarious and I've enjoyed reading/commenting on your blogs! It feels weird that this class is over, but we put in the work and we made it through! Thanks everyone for an awesome class! Hope you have a great rest of the summer! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you read “texts” from the class to your family, Olivia. I do the same thing because it’s fun to get other opinions or ideas about what you’re reading and writing. It opened up an avenue of interest for women in comedy for me, too, and I’m excited that when I watch, read or hear comedy now I am able to discern it in more ways than one and be as open-minded as possible when doing so. It seems that everyone really enjoyed the blogging part of the class, myself included, and I agree that it was creatively engaging and fun. What a fun class, have a great summer!
